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Lycan introduces House of Wolves motorcycle club to riders

When we think about motorcycle clubs, the first thing that comes to mind are groups of riders in leather vests riding the motorcycles of the same brand and make. But for Lycan, the House of Wolves MC takes on a different approach with its "open-to-all" approach and goal for its members.

Congregating for the love and passion for motorcycles, the House of Wolves MC approaches its club with the intent to help its members succeed in different aspects through an organized system of programs and projects intended for the benefit of its club members.

The MC is developing six programs for the growth and development of its members' personal, professional & career, financial, entertainment, leisure, and social aspects which the MC believes to be the pillars of a well-rounded individual.

By recruiting like-minded motorcycle riders into its club with a common goal for development, House of Wolves envisions a community of riders helping each other achieve success.

Interested riders who wish to join the club may register and sign-up here.


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